The different faces of tics in the post modern era: ethical ruptures to the construction of authenticity



Keywords: Faces, ICTs, postmodern era, ruptures


The theme that we intend to address is really current, active, interesting and with a pressing need to be addressed from the Angolan university environment, because it is about revealing the advantages that  ICTs present to contemporary man, but without failing to elucidate the rejuvenating chezilies it thrills, from this point of view the different faces they bear in postmodernity, as well as the resulting ethical disruptions, ipso facto requiring a critical rereading for the construction of true authenticity, given that contemporary world, and under the soft cover of ICT people bathe in the murky waters of falsehood, truth is relative, honesty is measured by cleverness, and good depends on circumstances. This gives rise to the starting question: how to build authenticity in the context of the hidden faces of Information and Communication Technology (ICTs)? The purpose of the present reflection is to describe the different faces of ICTs in the post modern era and, for its realization, syllogistic methods such as CPA (conceptualization, problematization and argumentation) were applied. The study proposes an ethics of authenticity based on disciplining egocentrism and developing altruism.

Keywords: Faces, ICTs, postmodern era, ruptures


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How to Cite

Chikela , C. P. . (2019). The different faces of tics in the post modern era: ethical ruptures to the construction of authenticity. Revista Sol Nascente, 8(2), 04–19. Retrieved from