Law on political parties and party system in Angola



Political system, party system, party law, multipartyism, Angola


The scope of the article is linked to the analysis of the Angolan party system in order to infer the impacts of the regulation of political parties. In order to understand the level of permeability of parties in the party system in Angola. We start from the analytical and conceptual discussion of political parties, party systems, the legal regimes of parties and their spectrum. It was concluded that applying the classification model of the specific laws of political parties in Angola, we are faced with a protective model of restricted measures, with the aim of reducing the number of political parties in the system. For methodological purposes, the article is informed by the bibliography on the history and legislative framework concerning the parties in Angola. So that the work is not merely descriptive, a bibliographical, documental and theoretical analysis is carried out using the concepts – consolidated in the literature – of parties and the system of parties.


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How to Cite

Kapuwa, C. A. . (2019). Law on political parties and party system in Angola. Revista Sol Nascente, 8(1), 30–50. Retrieved from