Influence of culture on the formation of a citizen's conscience



Culture, Conscience, Influence, Personality.


In the present article the influence of culture on the formation of citizen's consciousness is presented. Concepts, objectives, processes of culture, personality types and tendencies are discussed. For this purpose, bibliographical research is used as a means of obtaining pertinent theoretical reference. The article concludes with the view that there are several influences of culture on the formation of the Citizen's conscience.


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Maria A. Abrunhosa. Introdução à Psicologia, 5ª edição, Volume 1 Edições ASA Rio Tinto, 1993

Margaret Mead. s, 2º edição, edições Zahar, Rio de janeiro, 2015. ISBN: 978-85-378-1404-8.

Wilbur O’Donavan. Cristianismo Bíblico na África Moderna, 1ª edição, Outubro 2013, Edições, Sociedade Bíblica Portugal, ISBN:978-989-8529-44-2,

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How to Cite

Zeferino , J. C. (2019). Influence of culture on the formation of a citizen’s conscience. Revista Sol Nascente, 8(2), 50–57. Retrieved from