Educational Measures: Gama D'eça Museum and Actions for Belonging



educational actions, educational museum, architecture


This article reports some educational actions that can be developed in the institution Gama D'Eça Educational Museum and Victor Berssani, an institution belonging to the Federal University of Santa Maria. The actions presented have already been developed in other establishments, mostly providing positive and satisfactory results, serving as a theoretical and practical basis for their application in the city of Santa Maria, through the University museum. These measures aim to bring the public closer to the heritage safeguarded by the institution, as well as to call attention to its own headquarters, a historical example of the eclectic architecture of the city. It should be noted that the actions identified can be adapted to the Museum since they are generally offered by large museological institutions and may not represent the current reality of the Museum.


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How to Cite

Blaya, M. D. . ., Costa, H. H. F. G. da ., & Saad, D. de S. . (2017). Educational Measures: Gama D’eça Museum and Actions for Belonging . Revista Sol Nascente, 6(1), 48–59. Retrieved from