Responsabilité civile non contractuelle pour les dommages immatériels



civil liability, extra-contractual, damages, patrimonial and compensability in non-contractual relations


The subject we are proposing to deal with is non-pecuniary damage, focusing, in particular, on the problem of its compensability in the context of non-contractual relations. We seek to develop the subject by seeking solutions to the question of whether civil liability for non-pecuniary damages is to be admitted. In solving gender problems, attention is paid to the fact that there are reflexive non-patrimonial damages, in which we have the primary victim - the one who suffers directly the consequences of the actions of the victim and the secondary victim (third) - who is sympathetic to the suffering of the first and as a result of this it is in the right to be compensated for non-patrimonial damages. They are legally relevant issues in the sense that it requires a certain interpretation, a certain legal reasoning to solve real and specific problems. In this article, we seek, in a logical way, to determine the re-usability of non-pecuniary damages in non-contractual relations.


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How to Cite

Domingos, P. C. (2018). Responsabilité civile non contractuelle pour les dommages immatériels. Revista Sol Nascente, 7(2), 88–98. Retrieved from