La teoría del intercambio líder-colaborador y su impacto en el rendimiento de la organización. Caso de la universidad josé eduardo dos santos (ujes) - huambo


Palabras clave:

Liderazgo, grupo interno, grupo externo, líderes, empleados


The subject of leadership has had a growing consideration since the last decades of the 20th century, but still deserves much attention and particularly on new findings such as the tendency (conscious or unconscious) of bosses to have special consideration with a part of their subordinates and a lack of consideration with others, which leads to a segregation of employees into preferred and outside group. It should be noted that such separation leads to crucial damages to the productivity (efficiency) and effectiveness of the organisations. In this context, this study had the purpose of researching the presence, or not, of the phenomenon described at the Faculty of Economics of the José Eduardo dos Santos University in Huambo. In order to achieve this objective two measurement scales were designed and applied; one of them directed to a group of leaders and the other to their collaborators. The hypothesis, widely set out in the literature, was that current leaders almost always carry out the aforementioned segregation, and therefore the questions in the measurement scales were formulated with a view to accepting or rejecting this hypothesis.

Converted the questions into variables, which were coded and processed using the SPSS statistical package.


Geller, S. Reiforcement, Reward & Recognition. ISHN, 40, 2006, pp., 12-14.

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Cómo citar

Mela , A. A. (2017). La teoría del intercambio líder-colaborador y su impacto en el rendimiento de la organización. Caso de la universidad josé eduardo dos santos (ujes) - huambo. Revista Sol Nascente, 6(2), 92–119. Recuperado a partir de